Layover and waiting time calculation
Basic Conditions
How to have your waiting time paid:
You have to be on time or before your appointment time
If you have arrived after your appointment time, no waiting time will be counted even if you`re waiting there for a few hours or over the weekend
When you depart receiver/shipper, you have to write “TIME-OUT” on your signed bills as soon as you received these. Also, you have to send a “Depart Shipper/Consignee” message to your dispatch so the system could Indicate a location and time to the database automatically
If you have arrived after your appointment time, no waiting time will be counted even if you`re waiting there for a few hours or over the weekend
When you hand over your paperwork to the dispatch, they will determine with the customer (shipper/receiver) if the claimed waiting time has occurred and you will be paid for it once confirmed with dispatch. It is yours as well as the company`s benefit when we are getting paid so only when ALL the above conditions are met, you will be paid for your waiting time.
Your appointment for delivery is for 10.00 am
You have arrived at 8.00 am, sent a message to dispatch, and wrote TIME-IN on your bills before you hand it over to the receiver. You were waiting for 5 hours (until 13.00) for your signed bills to be returned to you after unloading. You wrote TIME-OUT on your bills and sent it to your dispatch. YOU WILL BE PAID for 1 hour of the waiting time (2 hours is an industry-standard for loading-unloading started at 10.00 am and ended up at noon, anything extra – will be paid)
Work with your dispatch closely to confirm the loads
Notify of any possible delays IN ADVANCE so they could move your appointments for you without fines, and so then you could be paid for any possible waiting times or detentions. Noone likes unpredictable situations or surprises; let’s go ahead
Work with your dispatch closely to confirm the loads
Notify of any possible delays IN ADVANCE so they could move your appointments for you without fines, and so then you could be paid for any possible waiting times or detentions. Noone likes unpredictable situations or surprises; let’s go ahead
Basic Conditions
How to have your layover paid:
You have arrived on time or earlier for your previous delivery
The “Depart Consignee” message is mandatory to be sent (it will fix your location and time the layover started) from your last Customer. TIME-OUT has been written on your last BOL or POD (proof of delivery)
You do not have any dispatch for the next 12 hours or more after you get unloaded.
You are not in your home area.
Miles pay, driven from your previous unloading to your next loading will be excluded from any amount you get assigned to be paid for your calculated layover.
You sent an “Arrived Shipper” at your next loading location properly.
SEND THE LAYOVER CALCULATION REQUEST THE SAME DAY YOU ARRIVED FOR THE NEW LOAD. This way dispatch will calculate a layover put a note in the system immediately, not 2 months after. Send a message to dispatch and a copy to the manager.
When you hand over your paperwork to the dispatch, they will determine with the customer (shipper/receiver) if the claimed waiting time has occurred and you will be paid for it once confirmed with dispatch. It is yours as well as the company`s benefit when we are getting paid so only when ALL the above conditions are met, you will be paid for your waiting time.
You got unloaded at 14.00 (after you arrived on time), sent a “Depart Consignee” message with TIME-OUT wrote, and scanned in your bills. Your dispatch suggested you go to the nearest 20 miles away as they don`t have any loads available for the day. Later that day, at 20.00 they advised you that your next load will be at 10.00 am the next day, 60 miles away from your truck stop. The layover calculation will be as follows: You spent 20 hours between customers. The first 12 hours will not be paid, you will be paid for 8 hours of layover (02.00 am to 10.00 am), and the mileage distance between the previous Consignee and the next Shipper will be excluded from your layover payment, regardless of how far away your truck stop was.
Work with your dispatch closely to confirm the loads
Notify of any possible delays IN ADVANCE so they could move your appointments for you without fines, and so then you could be paid for any possible waiting times or detentions. Noone likes unpredictable situations or surprises; let’s go ahead
Work with your dispatch closely to confirm the loads
Notify of any possible delays IN ADVANCE so they could move your appointments for you without fines, and so then you could be paid for any possible waiting times or detentions. Noone likes unpredictable situations or surprises; let’s go ahead