Daily pre-trip inspection and other mandatory routines
Daily pre-trip inspection and other mandatory routines/ At Topaz Transport, we expect our drivers to perform certain duties during the day.
PRE-trip inspection
Make sure you have 10 hours of OFF-duty or SB before you start your logbook. (8hrs in Canada)
When starting your logbook, please certify (sign) your previous days!!!! (It is a violation to drive with uncertified previous days).
Pre-trip inspection: truck and trailer. Spend at least 15-20 minutes on your rig as an ON-duty status.
Go to the “Load” section and make sure the Bill of Lading number, Trip number, and Trailer number are filled properly for today. If you’re empty put a note “Empty” or “Bobtail”. (Otherwise it is a violation not having this info in your logbook).
If you find any damage or breakdown, please notify your dispatch and the Breakdown Person right away, so they could arrange the repair and move your appointment time. Make sure you speak to someone and they confirm the new appointment time.
If you`re doing a trailer switch, make sure you spend at least 10 minutes ON-duty doing your trailer inspection. If you see a bad tire, the airbags not pumping or air leaks – let the Breakdown Person know before you know anywhere.
if you see trailer damage, scratches, or fresh tear-offs – take pictures and send them to Konstantin (if it is a Topaz trailer T1801, T1802, T1803 etc…) or to Diesel Group or Bulk Carriers respected emails. Otherwise, it may be considered that you were involved in those damages.
When you arrive at a Customer:
Send an “Arrive at Shipper/Consignee” message to your dispatch, so the system could mark your location and timestamp. It will be helpful when determining your waiting time or layovers.
Send an “Arrive at Shipper/Consignee” message to your dispatch, so the system could mark your location and timestamp. It will be helpful when determining your waiting time or layovers.
Send an “Arrive at Shipper/Consignee” message to your dispatch, so the system could mark your location and timestamp. It will be helpful when determining your waiting time or layovers.
Send an “Arrive at Shipper/Consignee” message to your dispatch, so the system could mark your location and timestamp. It will be helpful when determining your waiting time or layovers.
Send an “Arrive at Shipper/Consignee” message to your dispatch, so the system could mark your location and timestamp. It will be helpful when determining your waiting time or layovers.
Border crossing:
Before crossing the border, make sure you have the appropriate manifest filled out correctly and your passport is valid.
Before crossing the border, make sure you have the appropriate manifest filled out correctly and your passport is valid.
Before crossing the border, make sure you have the appropriate manifest filled out correctly and your passport is valid.
Weigh station inspection:
If you were invited for the inspection, you have to be on ON-duty status. It is very important.
If you were invited for the inspection, you have to be on ON-duty status. It is very important.
If you were invited for the inspection, you have to be on ON-duty status. It is very important.
POST-trip inspection:
Please do a quick post-trip inspection for a flat tire, trailer`s wheel-hub temperature, and the overall integrity.
Please do a quick post-trip inspection for a flat tire, trailer`s wheel-hub temperature, and the overall integrity.
Please do a quick post-trip inspection for a flat tire, trailer`s wheel-hub temperature, and the overall integrity.
if you are ready to take a rest overnight, please send your ETA for your destination. The dispatch will see it first thing in the morning and find you the next load so you don`t have to wait for it later. Or will move the appointment time for you.
If you are going home for a reset, let the dispatch know when you are ready to go back on the road again.